From 1 October 2023, MyMedicare is available for voluntary registration for all patients with valid medicare card or a Department of Veterans' Affairs(DVA) card. You will be eligible to register if you have two or more face-to-face appointments at Seymour Street Medical and Dental Centre in the past 24 months. People who are facing hardship are exempt from all eligibility requirements. This includes people experiencing domestic and family violence and homelessness.

By registering in MyMedicare, you may benefit from:

  • A formalised relationship with your general practice or GP, which has shown to improve health outcomes.
  • Longer Medicare Benefit Scheme (MBS) funded telehealth consultations with your GP.
  • Incentive for longer telehealth consultations for children under 16 and Commonwealth Card Concession card holders, from 1 November 2023.
  • More regular visits from your GP and better care planning for people living in a residential aged care home, from August 2024
  • Connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people who visit hospital regularly, from mid-2024

To register online for MyMedicare, follow the steps below:

1.Sign in to MyGov. Please click here.

2.Select Medicare (as shown in red box).


3. Select Register for MyMedicare (as showed in red box), then Start.



4. Under search for your practice, select Your Practice, then Next. If you can't find your practice, you'll need to contact them to check if they're are registered for MyMedicare.



5. Select Your preferred GP,  (Dr Jhun Yan Lo) then Next.


6. Select Submit Registration, then follow the prompts to complete your claim.

To register using the Express Plus Medicare mobile app:

1. Log into the Medicare Express Mobile app.

2. Select Register for MyMedicare, then Start.



3. Under search for your practice, select Your Practice, then Next. If you can't find your practice, you'll need to contact them to check if they're registered for MyMedicare.



4. Select Your preferred GP, (Dr Jhun Yan Lo) then Next. 


5. Select Submit Registration, then follow the prompts to complete your claim.